The #CyberChoices campaign is aimed at educating the parents of 12-15 year old boys, who might be involved in hacking or other kinds of cyber crime without their parents’ knowledge.
Recent analysis of investigations involving the NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit found that over the last year the average age of a cyber criminal is now 17.
In addition to highlighting the type of illegal online activity children can become involved in, the campaign seeks to help parents and carers to spot signs of potential problems, understand what the consequences could be, and to emphasise better ways for young people to use their skills and interest in technology.
Online resources
Resources are available for parents, teenagers and teachers on the NCA website. They include guidance for parents, an educational unit for teachers, video resources featuring an ex-hacker discussing the consequences of his crimes, as well as a video for parents to watch with their children to help provoke discussion of the issue.
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