Action Fraud with its partners in law enforcement has identified some of the most common myths and their alternate reality to help people protect themselves from fraudsters.

The following myths and crime prevention advice will help people to identify fraud fact from fraud fiction.
There are plenty of other myths out there and Action Fraud wants to help people to discover the reality about fraud and cyber crime before it is too late. Action Fraud will therefore be inviting people to share some of the myths that they have come across and any questions that they may have about them, using the hashtag #UrbanFraudMyths.
Download the individual myths to share via social media:
- Myth 1: Dating fraud
- Myth 2: Spoofing
- Myth 3: Pin Safety
- Myth 4: Money mules
- Myth 5: Public Wi-fi
- Myth 6: Intellectual Property Fraud
- Myth 7: Insurance fraud
- Myth 8: Money Transfer Systems
- Myth 9: Passwords
- Myth 10: Social engineering
- Myth 11: Legitimate websites
- Myth 12: Anti-virus software
- Myth 13: Charity fraud